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6. In conclusion

“People" shine, and "people" create the future. This is a never ending story passed down from parents to children, and from children to grandchildren. Accordingly, the question confronting us, the generations of today, is what we must do to ensure that the stage where each individual can shine is passed on to following generations.

The world is huge. The times are turbulent. That is why, while imaging the world 50 to 100 years into the future, we must change society for the better by knowing what our strengths are and considering how to best utilize them.

What we must do is to keep firmly upholding the deep wisdom and traditions that have lived on since the Edo period, as well as our urban infrastructure that ensures the safe and secure lives of our residents, and to further refine Tokyo by vastly broadening our vision, unfettered by assumptions or precedents. I am convinced that a bright future awaits us through our Grand Reform of Tokyo, which we are pushing forward by putting the people of Tokyo first. 

Including the matters to which I have already referred, a total of 33 bills, including 9 ordinance bills and 9 contract bills, have been presented to this regular session of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly for deliberation among the Assembly members.

This concludes my speech to the Assembly. Thank you.