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August 1, 2019
Bureau of Citizens and Cultural Affairs

Tokyo Festival 2019
This year's theme is “Meet-Change-the World”.

The Tokyo Festival is an urban general arts festival that aims to connect with the world through the diverse and deep art culture of Tokyo, and has been held since 2016.
The festival is being developed in cooperation with Mr. Satoshi Miyagi (Director/General Artistic Director of SPAC (Shizuoka Performing Arts Center)) who took up the post as general director, and the director of participating businesses in 2018.
This year, which will be the festival’s 4th year, “Meet-Change-the World” will be the theme and a competition will be added as a new approach to present a variety of performing arts in Japan and abroad.

Outline of the “Tokyo Festival 2019”

1. Festival dates

Saturday, September 21 to Saturday, November 23, 2019

2. Venues

Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre and Theater Square, Owlspot Theater (Toshima Ward Public Theater), Tokyo Tatemono Brillia HALL (Toshima Arts and Culture Theatre), Higashiikebukuro Chuo Park and others

3. Main Program

  • World Competition (Details will be available at a later date)
  • A wide range of domestic and international performing arts, such as outdoor performances, performances from invited international performers, and international co-production performances
  • Cooperative project with the “East Asian Urban Culture 2019 Toshima” and others

What is the East Asian Urban Culture?
Based on the agreement at the Japan-China-Korea Culture Minister’s Meeting, we select a city that aims to be developed by cultural arts in the three countries of Japan, China and Korea and conduct various cultural and artistic events related to life culture, etc. In 2019, Toshima-ku was selected as the host city along with Xi’an City in China and Incheon in Korea.
*Tokyo Festival 2019 will be held in cooperation with the East Asian Cultural City 2019 Toshima.

4. Hosted by

Tokyo Festival Executive Committee Secretariat (Toshima-ku, Toshima Mirai Cultural Foundation, Festival/Tokyo Executive Committee Secretariat, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture (Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre/Arts Council Tokyo))

5. Grants

International cultural and artistic outgoing COE project supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in the fiscal year 2019
(TOSHIMA International City of Arts & Culture Program)
*Tokyo supports the Tokyo Festival through the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture.

“The Action Plan for 2020” Project
This project is related to “The Action Plan for 2020”.
“Smart City - Policy Pillar 8 - Promotion of Arts and Culture”

This project relates to the “Host City Tokyo Project.”
 "Category: Publicizing the attractiveness - Project name: Expansion and promotion of the Tokyo culture program"

Inquiries(Assistance in Japanese only)

Planning and Adjustment Section, Culture Promotion Division, Bureau of Citizens and Cultural Affairs
Phone: 03-5388-3155
(Inquiries regarding the program details)
Tokyo Festival Executive Committee Secretariat
Phone: 050-1746-0996
E-mail: info(at)tokyo-festival.jp
* The above e-mail address has been arranged as an anti-spam measure. Please replace (at) with @.