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September 2, 2019
Office of the Governor for Policy Planning

VR telescopes now available!
Tokyo Future Travel Scope

The year 2018 marked 150 years since the renaming of Edo to Tokyo, and the concurrent establishment of Tokyo prefecture. To commemorate the occasion, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) rolled out the project, “Old meets New:Tokyo 150 Years.”
As a part of the project, though it was limited to the month of July last year, telescopes that provided a virtual reality experience of scenery of Meiji-era Tokyo were placed within the TMG Building, and were very popular.
In an effort to convey Tokyo’s charms, in addition to the Meiji era sceneries, VR images projecting a feel of “Future Tokyo,” can now be experienced with Tokyo Future Travel Scopes, which have been placed within the TMG building as follows:


“Tokyo Future Travel Scope”


Tokyo Metropolitan Government South Observation Deck (45th Floor, South Tower, TMG No.1 Building)

Operation Start Date

Wednesday, August 7th, 2019
*Operating Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
(Last entry to the South Observation Deck: 10:30 p.m.)


Two sets of telescopes for a VR experience of Meiji era scenery and future images of Tokyo (see flyer(PDF:827KB))
*The telescopes can also be used to observe current Tokyo scenery.


In order for many people to enjoy the telescope, please show consideration to others who are waiting their turn.

  • Age Restrictions:
    Under 7 years old: Unable to use
    7 to 12 years old: Must be attended by an adult

The operating policies may be subject to change.


Policy Coordination Section
Policy Coordination Division
Office of the Governor for Policy Planning
Phone: 03-5388-2299