About this Website (Site Policy)
Scope of this Website
The website “Tokyo Metropolitan Government General Website” includes the range of the pages of the following three domains.
Websites under the metro.tokyo.lg.jp domain other than the above are within the scope of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government official website, but are not included in the scope of this website (Tokyo Metropolitan Government General Website). For site policies other than that for this website, please refer to the site policy stated at the bottom (footer) of each website.
Accessibility Policy
Part 1. Policy
This site aims at being classed as grade “AA” of the Japanese Industrial Standards JIS X 8341-3:2016 “Design guidelines in consideration of the elderly and persons with disabilities - Information and communications equipment, software and services - Part 3: Web content” (hereinafter referred to as “JIS X 8341-3”).
1. Scope
This policy applies to the range of pages of the website of “Tokyo Metropolitan Government General Website” ((https://www.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/, https://www.koho.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/, https://www.johokokai.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/)) under the Tokyo Metropolitan Government official website.
2. Exceptions
The following contents are out of scope due to difficulty of modification.
- Content in PDF, Excel, or Word formats
- When posting new content in PDF, Excel, or Word formats, as a general rule,
- we will endeavor to write a summary of the information in text and post it as an attachment on our website.
- Content that uses services provided by third parties such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and content associated with it.
- The title (caption) set for a table that has been posted in the past
- Content provided by third parties, etc., for which there is no data for correction in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, or that cannot be corrected due to rights relationship reasons.
3. Achievement deadline and grades
- Achievement deadline: March 31, 2023
- Achievement grade: Conform with grade “AA”
4 Achievement grades to add
Of the grade AAA achievement criteria, the following will be included in the targets and will be addressed to the extent possible.
- 2.2.3: Achievement criterion for no time limit (AAA)
- 2.3.2: Achievement criterion for three flashes (AAA)
- 2.4.8: Achievement criterion for current location (AAA)
Part 2. Website accessibility test results
Test results based on JIS X 8341-3: 2016
Content of efforts concerning accessibility
Part 1. Recommended environment
The following browsers are recommended for a safer and more comfortable use of this website:
- Microsoft Edge latest version
- Google Chrome latest version
- Mozilla Firefox latest version
- Safari latest version
Part 2. Technologies used
- Plug-ins
To view and print PDF files on this site, Adobe Acrobat Reader (latest version) is required, and to view and listen to videos and sounds, Microsoft Windows Media Player, etc. is required. Some pages require the latest version.
- Cookies
This website utilizes cookies for the purpose of achieving a more convenient viewing experience and obtaining information to continuously improve this website.
A cookie is data sent to a user’s browser from the server that handles administration of this website. The cookie sent is saved in the user’s computer. However, any personally identifiable information such as the user’s name, address, telephone number, etc. are absolutely not included in this cookie.
Additionally, these cookies have no direct negative effect on the user’s computer.
This website may use cookies provided by a third-party contractor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to monitor the access status of each page.
It is possible for the user to decline cookies through the use of appropriate browser settings. Disabling cookies in this way will not hinder the use of this website in any major way.
Refer to your browser’s help function or browser manufacturer for information on these browser settings.
- JavaScript
In order for users to use this website more comfortably, JavaScript is used in some of the contents.
Please note that there may be cases where pages are not properly displayed or operable unless JavaScript is enabled (activated) in the browser being used.
In order to improve the security level of this website, TLS encrypted communication is used in some services.
To use these services, your web browser must support TLS1.2.
By using a web browser that supports these security functions, personal information such as names, addresses and telephone numbers, etc. entered by users is automatically encrypted before transmitting and receiving.
In the unlikely event that the transmitted data is intercepted by a third party, there is no need to worry about the contents being stolen. Depending on the settings of your firewall, etc., some pages may not be available.
An Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems is required to view PDF files. Download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not installed on your system or the contents of this website may not be displayed properly.
- Excel, Word
This website provides some of the attached files in Microsoft's Excel and Word formats. To view the target attachment, Microsoft’s Excel and Word are required.
For Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LINE, TikTok, note, and Weibo, please refer to the terms of use, etc. of the respective website.
Part 3. Information security policy (Information system security)
This website will protect its information assets from threats, for the purpose of continuing TMG’s projects preserving the trust of its users and fulfilling its social mission as an administrative organ.
- In order to maintain the safety and accuracy of this website’s information assets, appropriate safety measures will be taken to prevent unauthorized data access, and the destruction, falsification, loss, or leakage of data.
- The information assets on this website are handled in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s basic policy on information security, laws/regulations, and other standards.
- Should the processing of information assets be outsourced to an external party, this processing work will take place under the appropriate supervision of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
- Mechanisms will be established for continued improvements for the maintenance and enhancement of information security.
Terms of Use and Legal Matters
Part 1. Disclaimers
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on this website, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government does not guarantee its completeness and accuracy. Information posted on this website is subject to change or deletion without notice. We are not responsible for any damage, whether it is direct or indirect, caused by the use of the information on this website by the user.
Part 2. Prohibitions
We prohibit the following acts associated with the use of this website.
- Any act that hinders or creates obstructions to the operation of this website
- Any act that causes or may cause trouble, disadvantage or harm to the privacy of other users and third parties
- Any act that violates or may violate public order or morality
- Any act that violates laws/regulations, or ordinances
- Any other act deemed inappropriate by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Part 3. Change of terms
The content of this site policy is subject to change or deletion without notice.
Part 4. Governing law and court of jurisdiction
All use of this website and the site policy of this website shall adhere to the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified.
All disputes arising in connection with the use of this website shall be subject in the first instance to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.
Multilingual Policy
This is an official website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, a municipality in Japan. In order to communicate information on the administration of TMG to as many people as possible and gain their understanding about its efforts, this website has prepared pages in English, Chinese (simplified), and Korean. Click on “Language” on the upper right of the page to display the site in each language.
Handling of Personal Information
For the Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, etc., please refer to the “Handling of Personal Information.”
Copyright and Links
For relationships of rights including copyrights and links, please refer to the “Copyright and Links.”
Legal matters
1. Disclaimer
There is no guarantee of the completeness or accuracy of any information provided on this website. This information may be changed without notice or warning. The administrators and owners of this website accept absolutely no responsibility for any damage that may occur directly or indirectly due to the use of the information or content on this website.
2. Prohibitions
The following activities are prohibited in the use of this website:
- (1)Any activity that hinders or creates obstructions to the operation of this website.
- (2)Any activity that causes or may cause inconvenience, loss, or violations of privacy to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the users of this website, or other third parties.
- (3)Any activity that violates or may violate public order and morality.
- (4)Any activity that violates a law, ordinance, or regulation.
- (5)Any other activity deemed inappropriate by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
3. Applicable laws and court of jurisdiction
Interpretation and application of this Site Policy and all use of this website shall adhere to the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified. All disputes arising in connection with the use of this website shall be subject in the first instance to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.